Our philosophy is simple: Build scholar’s content expertise and provide them with real life opportunities to read, write, speak, listen and solve problems. Our reading, writing and math instruction provides the tools scholars need to investigate and research during our Project Based Learning block.

Cheltenham Elementary is proud to use the following curriculum in kindergarten through 5th grade:

  • Mathematics: We use Imagine IM (Illustrative Math) curriculum. Imagine IM uses print and digital sources, including workbooks, videos, and digital interactives. It also allows our educators to tailor their lessons to each student’s individual needs and fosters deep conceptual understanding for students.
  • Literacy: We use CKLA curriculum. CKLA immerses students in a variety of texts—complex read-alouds, decodable chapter books, trade books, and content-rich readers—that reflect varied experiences and connect to learning goals.
  • Writing: We use Thinking Maps curriculum, which uses the Write from the Beginning method. Write from the Beginning helps students develop their ideas and organize their thinking prior to writing and develops critical and creative thinking skills that are foundational to good writing.
  • Social Studies: We use InquirEd curriculum with a project-based learning approach. InquirED fosters inquiry-based learning engaging investigations to build knowledge in History, Civics, Geography, and Economics.
  • Science: We use Amplify curriculum with a project-based learning approach. Amplify curriculum blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists.
  • Enrichments
    • Vocal Music: Students how to read and play rhythms and learn about tempo, dynamics, style, and articulation.
    • Instrumental Music: Students explore standard based music through use of Orff xylophones and metallophone instruments, various timbre instruments, ukuleles, guitar, piano and, in 5th grade, drum sets. We teach movement and singing with focus on theory, expression, creation and aesthetic valuation.
    • Visual Arts: Students make puppets, build arcade games and time machines, learn to sew, and much more!
    • Physical Education: Students learn orienteering, badminton, volleyball, basketball, football, parachute and a variety of other engaging activities. 
    • Dance: Students learn the evolution of Dance and about notable dancers throughout history. Tributes to dancers correspond with the calendar year; for example, students learn about influential Black dancers during Black History Month in February. Students also learn to line dance and dance to hits like Monster Mash and YMCA.

In our ECE classrooms, we use a program called Tools of the Mind, which is designed to enable children to learn how to learn, while building all the skills they need to be successful in school and life.

Additionally, through our Gifted and Talented program, we offer exceptional support for exceptional learners. Identified through specific criteria, we are committed to working directly with students exhibiting special gifts or are advanced in their thinking, problem solving, verbal, and/or other skills. 

We have a Gifted and Talented Coordinator who works with students weekly in the general classroom setting, as well as other targeted subject areas in small groups. Instruction is differentiated by grade level and strategies are based on academic and affective needs. Strategies that are used include depth and complexity for rigor, advanced product options for project-based learning, student choice in activities / products, tiered lessons, adjusted pacing and thinking skills development.